Friday, December 31, 2010

Will This Ringing In My Ears Ever Stop?

That concert the other night was absolutely awesome, but the next morning when I woke up, I had this awful ringing in my ears.  I can't seem to get away from  the sound, it follows me where ever I go.  I have had this noise in my head before, several years ago when I was a kid and I lit that firecracker.  But the ringing went away later in the day.  This noise has been around for a couple months and it is still there.

It seems to be the loudest when I am alone in a quiet place.  Instead of silence I hear this noise going iiiinnngg all day long.  The worst part is at night when I try to go to sleep, you know it would be nice if it was quiet so I could just fall off into a nice restful sleep, but no, there it is, going on an on.

I went to my family doctor and got a check up. The "physical" results came back completely normal, there were no signs of anything wrong.  The doc looked in my ears and said that everything looked just fine.  I said " But what about this ring in my ears?" and he said, "Well maybe you have tinnitus, it will go away in a while or you may have to learn to live with it."

Does this describe your situation? Do you live with this noise that continues to go off in your brain 24 hours a day, getting louder, even when you get to a place that is quiet?  This noise that never goes away; interfering with your ability to hear conversations across the room.  This noise that makes you have to ask someone to say it again because they spoke so softly that you couldn't  hear what they said. This is the story that I have lived with until now.

Researchers have recently been able to actually look into our brains with tomographic scans (MRI's) and view the brain wave patterns of the areas of the brain that handle our auditory nerves.  They have discovered that there is a difference between people diagnosed with tinnitus and those with normal hearing.  There seems to be an area of continuous activity in those who suffer tinnitus.  This activity pattern tells them that there is an auditory loop that is continually playing that sound.

This a piece of very good news.  The human brain is capable of making new pathways for many of its functions.  This means that the pathway can be changed and the old pathway can be ignored or even repaired when we are able to focus away from it.  Several studies have been done in an area known as "brain plasticity."  Here is a quote from the website:

"In addition to reworking itself to store information and organize it effectively, the brain can also repair itself, to some extent. When an area of the brain is damaged, the activities associated with that region will sometimes move to another area of the brain, allowing the person to recover functionality. This type of brain plasticity is critical for people recovering from brain injuries and neurological disorders, as the damage may be permanent, but it can be possible to mitigate the effects."

What this means for people like me, with "ringing in my ears" is that it may be possible to retrain the brain to stop hearing that loop and move to glorious silence instead.  With the aid of knowledge, a change to an "it can be cured"  attitude, and some self hypnosis is it possible to get rid of the noise.

Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution  Michael Brown

1 comment:

  1. I went to a loud concert in an indoor setting a few weeks ago for 5 hours without hearing protection. My ears have been ringing loudly since then, I was treated with steroids and it seems to be worse. I completely relate to your story, especially when I am in a quiet room. It is so bad, it drives me crazy. I am searching for hope. I am desperate. Thanks for your post!
