Friday, December 31, 2010

Tinnitus; Change Your Brain And Change Your Life

Have you been exposed to the book "Who Switched Off My Brain"?  The author Dr. Caroline Leaf is a neuro-physiologist.  I know, big word, she studies the human brain and looks at the pathways that your thoughts take as they begin and follow through to completion.  For the last 20 years she has been detailing all of the physical processes that the brain goes through.  She has made some fascinating discoveries.

Your thoughts are indeed physical things.  They have a definite location in the brain. As you think the thought form branches and make new neural connections.  Depending on the nature of the thought itself, it can cause the release of beneficial chemicals which will aid in the building of more cells to enhance the health of our whole body.   You have probably heard that it is good to laugh, because it releases brain chemical chemicals known as endorphins which are good for your health and your body to reduce stress.

Unfortunately that same process works in the reverse.  Having thoughts that are negative can also cause the release of other chemicals that can have a negative effect on our health. An example would be thoughts that are fearful to the extent that they cause the release of too much adrenalin into our system.  This will of course cause stress, a faster heart rate and other complications which can lead to poor health.

You would need to read the whole book to get a sense of the wonder of the human brain, but the bottom line is that we can learn how to take charge of the thoughts that we have and we can change them.  The tree like structure of a repeated negative thought structure can be actually dis-assembled and replaced with a new and more positive thought structure.

So I have taken three paragraphs to run off on a side journey talking about brain functions in an article that deals with tinnitus.  Here is why.

Other research has established the existence of clearly defined patterns in the brain that are present in the lives of tinnitus sufferers.  In other words these could be described as loops.   Somehow and somewhere you and I managed to develop a loop in our brain that continues to play a sound over and over. Eeeiing, stuck, like a broken record, or a  bad CD, this sound continues 24/7/365.

Dr. Leaf has shown that there is a way to change those thought patterns.  Her book deals from a christian perspective, to which I subscribe wholeheartedly, but even if you don't the healing is still very possible.  I will not say that it is easy, though in this instant solution society that is something that appeals to us.  The fact remains that the brain is not permanently set in stone, it can be changed and with a little work you can find a cure.

I have written more extensively on this at my tinnitus website which you can find here. 


    . Is my pleasure to comment on this site and i thank the admin of this site for his/her great work so far. I really don’t know how to thank DR WILLIAMS for helping me get cured for over 20 year of suffering from a terrible tinnitus, my tinnitus started when i was 28 year i thought is going to end one day but even get worse as days went by,i have tried all western drugs prescribed by doctors but to no avail i lost total concentration, even at night i screams even more because the sounds become louder because everywhere is quiet. i came across DR WILLIAMS contact through a headline news on internet about how DR WILLIAMS have help so many people to get cured of tinnitus and so many other with similar body problem ,i contacted him and he told me how to get his herb,few day later he sent me the herbal portion which i take every morning for 28 days, and his medicine was able to restore my hearing back to normal and now am very okay without any side effects whatsoever If you have Tinnitus, you can contact him on his email address for help

    How can I ever stop thanking Dr William for the great deed he have done for me, i got an accident when I was 27 years old, from that day on i started experience ringing ear (tinnitus) i have taken all the western drugs prescribe by various doctor but to no avail my tinnitus was very loud in the afternoon and I sleep less at night because of this problem i stop my work, few days later i was going through the Internet and I saw a post of so many people testifying about Dr William herbal remedies on how they was being cure for over many years suffering from tinnitus the story Really motivated me that I have to speak with my husband about it, and he said i should give him a try, i contacted Dr William and explain all i have be facing in my life. He assured me that everything is going to be fine if only I can get his herbal portion, i said yes and I requested for it, few days later the herb was sent to me in Kuwait,i started using it as instructed by Dr William for me to take it for 21 Days which I did, can you imagine after talking Dr William herbal medicine for just two weeks i started experience results, it was like a miracle,and now i am permanently cure from this terrible tinnitus, i promise that am going to publish his herb on thing my last breath for the great deed he have done for me. For those with similar ear problem should please contact him on his email address his a good man and am proud of him.

  3. COMPLETE CURE TO TINNITUS: I had tinnitus in both ears for fifteen years with a high pitched two tone sound, the noises are constant and have learned to ignore the ringing. Later, another sound was added, a deep tone that has a sporadic rhythm, that mimics human speech. It varies from soft and muted, to painfully clear, and loud. Have try sound machines, ear plugs, my hearing aid, and medication all to no avail rather I have a difficult time sleeping. Lately I was directed to a Doctor called William on internet who provided solution to the problem. Do not be discourage, dr williams product is a permanent cure to Tinnitus. Contact him with this email (

    How can I ever stop thanking Dr William for the great deed he have done for me, i got an accident when I was 27 years old, from that day on i started experience ringing ear (tinnitus) i have taken all the western drugs prescribe by various doctor but to no avail my tinnitus was very loud in the afternoon and I sleep less at night because of this problem i stop my work, few days later i was going through the Internet and I saw a post of so many people testifying about Dr William herbal remedies on how they was being cure for over many years suffering from tinnitus the story Really motivated me that I have to speak with my husband about it, and he said i should give him a try, i contacted Dr William and explain all i have be facing in my life. He assured me that everything is going to be fine if only I can get his herbal portion, i said yes and I requested for it, few days later the herb was sent to me in Kuwait,i started using it as instructed by Dr William for me to take it for 21 Days which I did, can you imagine after talking Dr William herbal medicine for just two weeks i started experience results, it was like a miracle,and now i am permanently cure from this terrible tinnitus, i promise that am going to publish his herb on thing my last breath for the great deed he have done for me. For those with similar ear problem should please contact him on his email address his a good man and am proud of him.

  5. Thanks to Dr Williams I am so happy today, I have been suffering from tinnitus for the past 2 years now, and i have spent a lot on western drugs which has all proved abortive, i have tried all means in life to become tinnitus free , but there was no answer until i decided to try herbal solution and i found Dr Williams online and i contacted him and after I took his medication as instructed, i am now tinnitus free within those week of usage, i am so much happy, thanks to Dr Williams for helping me get my life back again without any form of crisis, i promise to tell your name and good deeds to the whole world,if you have tinnitus you can email him on for more information .

  6. I am Shelley from Los Angeles,California, I want to testify on how i got cured from tinnitus, I have suffered from ringing ears since the year 2011 with so mush pain,that i have to spend so mush money getting pain relief in the hospital, and I have visited several doctor ,but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end because of the buzzing sound in my right ears, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal Dr Williams who use herbal portion in curing people from different kind of diseases including tinnitus, at first i doubted if it we be able to cure me, but i decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was completely free from tinnitus just for 1 months of usage,i we recommend this to all my friend family in the world today who still suffering from tinnitus you can contact him through his email on for help.

    . Is my pleasure to comment on this site and i thank the admin of this site for his/her great work so far. I really don’t know how to thank DR WILLIAMS for helping me get cured for over 20 year of suffering from a terrible tinnitus, my tinnitus started when i was 28 year i thought is going to end one day but even get worse as days went by,i have tried all western drugs prescribed by doctors but to no avail i lost total concentration, even at night i screams even more because the sounds become louder because everywhere is quiet. i came across DR WILLIAMS contact through a headline news on internet about how DR WILLIAMS have help so many people to get cured of tinnitus and so many other with similar body problem ,i contacted him and he told me how to get his herb,few day later he sent me the herbal portion which i take every morning for 28 days, and his medicine was able to restore my hearing back to normal and now am very okay without any side effects whatsoever If you have Tinnitus, you can contact him on his email address for help

    How can I ever stop thanking Dr William for the great deed he have done for me, i got an accident when I was 27 years old, from that day on i started experience ringing ear (tinnitus) i have taken all the western drugs prescribe by various doctor but to no avail my tinnitus was very loud in the afternoon and I sleep less at night because of this problem i stop my work, few days later i was going through the Internet and I saw a post of so many people testifying about Dr William herbal remedies on how they was being cure for over many years suffering from tinnitus the story Really motivated me that I have to speak with my husband about it, and he said i should give him a try, i contacted Dr William and explain all i have be facing in my life. He assured me that everything is going to be fine if only I can get his herbal portion, i said yes and I requested for it, few days later the herb was sent to me in Kuwait,i started using it as instructed by Dr William for me to take it for 21 Days which I did, can you imagine after talking Dr William herbal medicine for just two weeks i started experience results, it was like a miracle,and now i am permanently cure from this terrible tinnitus, i promise that am going to publish his herb on thing my last breath for the great deed he have done for me. For those with similar ear problem should please contact him on his email address his a good man and am proud of him.

    I'm giving a testimony about Dr. WILLIAMS the great Herbal man, he has
    the herbal cure to tinnitus, he cured my Tinnitus Ear problem,
    though I went through different website I saw a testimonies about this
    Dr Williams, I was like: 'Dr Williams have the Tinnitus cure why are
    people still suffering from it?' I thought of it, then I contact Dr Williams, I didn't believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared the (CURE) and sent it to me through Courier Service he gave my details to the Courier Office, they told me that 1-3 days I will receive the package and i took the medicine as prescribed by Dr Williams and I went for check-up 1 week after finishing the medicine, then the Tinnitus was not there, if you are suffering from Tinnitus virus you can contact him on his via email address: for his herb

  10. I am Shelley from Los Angeles,California, I want to testify on how i got cured from tinnitus, I have suffered from ringing ears since the year 2011 with so mush pain,that i have to spend so mush money getting pain relief in the hospital, and I have visited several doctor ,but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end because of the buzzing sound in my right ears, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal Dr Williams  who use herbal portion in curing people from different kind of diseases including tinnitus, at first i doubted if it we be able to cure me, but i decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor  via his email, he prepared a herbal portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was completely free from tinnitus just for 1 months of usage,i we recommend this to all my friend family in the world today who still suffering from tinnitus you can contact him through his  email on for help.

  11. I am sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic tinnitus ,in 2016, the doctor told me it has no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly go out of breath,and this noise was really terrible especially when am sleeping, i have this constant ringing in my ears for about 8 months, this was really a terrible noise ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs Kate on how she  was been cured from tinnitus through dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine i used it for 3 weeks as prescribed and i was totally cured of tinnitus within those week of usage,on thin now i have not hear anything ringing in my ears.if you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email for help
